[Translation] 4Gamer Round Table Discussion Part 1 (Mafia Kajita x Kinoko Nasu)

Happy new year! To start off 2019, I’m translating the recent 4Gamer discussion between Mafia Kajita and Kinoko Nasu on FGO. The original interview can be found here. The original interview is very long (I’ve hit 8000 words already with just this half of the interview), so I’m splitting the posts into two. Part 2 can be found hereMinor spoilers for FGO ahead. Enjoy reading!

Major correction: On a previous version of this post, I had misread the name of FGO’s previous director, Akihito Shouji, as “Atsushi Kenji”. This has since been corrected, and older translations that used the wrong name will be corrected as well.

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[Translation] 4Gamer Interview with Kinoko Nasu and Yosuke Shiokawa on FGO (March 2017, Part 2)


This is a translation of the 4Gamer interview with Kinoko Nasu and Yosuke Shiokawa released on 2017 March 11 regarding Fate/Grand Order. The original article can be found here. This is a very long interview, so I split it into two posts to make them easier to read. It goes without saying that there are HUGE spoilers in this. You have been warned.

Parenthetical notes are 4Gamer’s; other translation notes can be found at the bottom of the post. Enjoy reading!

Part 1

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[Translation] 4Gamer Interview with Kinoko Nasu and Yosuke Shiokawa on FGO (March 2017, Part 1)


This is a translation of the 4Gamer interview with Kinoko Nasu and Yosuke Shiokawa released on 2017 March 11 regarding Fate/Grand Order. The original article can be found here. This is a very long interview, so I split it into two posts to make them easier to read. It goes without saying that there are HUGE spoilers in this. You have been warned.

Parenthetical notes are 4Gamer’s; other translation notes can be found at the bottom of the post. Enjoy reading!

Part 2

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[LN Review] Fate/Prototype: Sougin no Fragments Vol. 1








Fate/Prototype: Sougin no Fragments (Fragments of Blue and Silver) is one of the numerous spin-offs of the Fate/ franchise, written by Sakurai Hikaru, former scenario writer for Liar-soft and the writer of the Steampunk Series games. The spin-off is based on the original concept for the Fate/ series, with a male King Arthur and a female protagonist. Fragments is the story of the Grail War that happens 8 years before – a Grail War in Tokyo, 1991.

Fate/Prototype: Sougin no Fragments vol. 1 is about cooking.

You might have heard Type-Moon fans joke about how Fate/stay night is 70% cooking. In Fate/Prototype‘s case, it’s no longer a joke – every chapter has scenes where a character either eats food, describe someone eating food, describe someone cooking food, or is cooking food.

And somehow, it’s still more compelling than half of Fate/stay night‘s fights.

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